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Saturday, December 31, 2011


assalamualaikum guys :)
huk3....over pulak aku ni...
erm..sekarang da pukul 11.52PM within Saturday 31st DECEMBER 2011...
thats mean...about 8 minutes more we will go thorugh the new version of year !!
x sabarnya.... 2011 !..i will never forget you there were many memories that changed me lots....banyak kenangan yang aku cipta,yang aku dapat,yang aku kongsi.....
2011 jugak lah yang mengajar aku untuk jadi lebih baik and berubah kepada baik pada tahun 2012 nanti....
thnx 2011 !..
aku sayang kau sampai bila2...segala isi didalam mu tidak akn aku lupa...
and to all who read this ..
menyusun sepuluh jari memohon keampunan atas segala kesilapan yang saya lakukan...
ampunkan ea ..terima kasih untuk segalanya.....
thanks for everythings....
doakan segala kejayaan fahmy ea...
saya akan menduduki SPM tahun 2012 ni....


Friday, December 30, 2011

MEREKA (^^,)

assalamualaikum guys :)
actually..i take this post as an exclusive post for me ...
why ?
because its about THEM that always make me lough and feel happy when i'm sad...

yes...four of them upthere...
actually....they are my skype gang which always make me lough either in the chat or during call...
aku x nafikan yang lepak dengan dyeorg memang OSEM !!
(bak kata EYKA )
all are about them :

EYKA : SERATASian from SELAMA, Perak 
eyka memang OSEM lah kan !...eventhough aku baru jer kenal dgn dia ..dia memang bez giler!!....suare dia "comel " !!..hahahahaha..sori eyka !!!
kalau x silap dia ni pendek !..hehehe...pendek macam mana sekalipon, kalau peramah and happy go lucky, siapa yang x senang kn kawan dgn dia ?!
tapi... dia kene balik SERATAS 2hb ni..sedih nye..dah macam2 nak bbual buat kali terakhir mlm sebelum balek sekolah...
nak buat macam mane kan ....
its okay !
to eyka---> jgn lupe hantar flyers ok !!!..syg kaw giler !!..hahahaha..OSEM ^^

hahaha...both of them are my schoolmate actually....
they are amazing for me !!
dyeorg memang suka timbulkn pelbagai agenda yang tah ape2,kontroversi,benda2 merepek yang x lah merepek sangat....
but...whatever they done, they still my friend everlasting !
suka luangkan masa dengan mereka sebab...
nanti mesti ada jer benda yang nak dibualkan ...konfem lah kan x bosan dengan dyeorg nie !!!!
syg korg !..jumpe kat sekolah nanti ok...kat DM dgn

dilla !!..
the first woman who invite me in to this group !
thanks Dilla....
dia ni baek ...kalau bercakap pon sedappp jer dgr .. HAHAHAHAHA !!
kan Dilla !!
erm...suka giler bbual dgn dia sebab ...
dia ni macam x tahu pape !!..( bukan BODOH eyh !!)
mksodnya...dia ni suka duduk rumah so benda2 kat luar tu dia kurang tahu sikit...
sukalah bagitahu dia benda baru...and..totally i've learn many new things also from her....
hehehehehehehehe....dia ni jenis orang yang x kesah thinking...macam Eyka jugak !
that is the most important part for me to be friends with them ...
bukan memilih ok !
its about kesedaran....setiap pergaulan kan ada batasnya !
heheheh..betul x Dilla !

to Dilla----->nanty jgn lupa taw hantar flyers kat aq....hehehehe...konfem punye aku send dekat kaw to SEMESTI !!...cewahhh!!

dyeorg memang happening ...
aku suka lepak dgn dyeorg dekat skype to walaupon sampai pukol 6.00 pagi !
doesn't matter sebab kiteorg bukan buat benda x berfaedah pon kan !...ececehh..
to Dilla and Eyka,
kalau nak hantar flyers, nama penuh aku 
Muhammad Fahmi Ikmal b. Rusli
eee..x malu lah aku nie...hehehehehehe~
x kesah...t inbox name penuh korang ok !
there are them ...
the friend that make me lough always...
sumpah x tipu aku akan gelak dan rasa tenang and happy bila dgn dyeorg....
rupa tidak menunjukkan segalanya asalkan keikhlasan kan !!
love u guys^^



assalamualaikum guys :)
erm....sekarang ni da jarang lah update blog..bukan malas tapi entah lah..ada je perkara yang menghalang...

erm...aku suka sangat lagu ni..
sebab perisiannya or the lyric for sure..
all are connected to what i've been through this all this year 2011...
tak dapat dinafikan lah ni semua ada kaitan dengan orang2 yang aku SAYANG dalam hidup aku...
i'm not telling u guys that i'm regreted in loving those important peopleS in my life but...
just wanna show the way i've through to LOVE them ...
its easy to love someone but its HARD to be love by someone right ?
orang selalu cakap macam tu...
this song totally show me the real things about relationship...
starting from this moment,
in the new year 2012,
i just wanna give 100% focus in my study and not in love with somebody...
one thing about my weakness is .. i can't corget about people that i love in a moment....
tapi...if our niat is good, Insya'Allah Allah SWT will always help us right ?
and insya'allah the new post after this will about the new year....
x sabar actually....
and...untuk orang2 yang aku sayang...
i will not stop loving u guys but i hope...
u alls can appreciate my love a bit ....
all my love after this is just for Him...
amin ya rabbal alamin~

wassalam :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

FRIEND or what ?

assalamualaikum guys.. :)
Ya Allah..sumpah dah lama gila aku x update blog kesayangan nie...ini pon ambil kesempatan untuk update menggunakan ipad akak sedara..thnx kak ina !! health for now not give me chance to do anything....susahkan kalau kita ada penyakit ni...
ni pon update di hospital...hurm...Allah saje yang tahu....
haha..suda2...lupakan...x payah nak tangkap sembilu...cceewwaahhhh....
erm...guys !!..x lama lagi da nak 2012...
hurm...when i think about that....
it makes me think back about the pass....
macam2 yang aku lalui dalam 2011 ni...hurm....
pelbagai kegembiraan,keseronokan,kesedihan,keperitan dan everything that happen on me this year...
tak ada apa yang aku fikirkan dalam otak aku bila teringat kesah2 lama kecuali
tentang KAWAN...
yes....totally thing for me is, KAWAN ADALAH SEGALANYA...
pada aku,dengan berkawan lah aku dapat lihat pelbagai personaliti yang berbeza...pereatakan yang pelbagai...perangai orang...and....the most important part...
who is the really FRIEND in mean and not in tittle....
pasal KAWAN jugak lah aku sampai berpisah hubugan dengan abang kandung aku sendiri...
pasal KAWAN jugak lah aku sanggup tipu parents aku...
pasal KAWAN jugak lah aku sanggup berkorban apa saja...
pasal KAWAN jugak lah aku sanggup buat apa saja..
pasal KAWAN lah aku belajar macam2 kebaikan dan keburukan...
everythings is just about KAWAN...
but....walaupun KAWAN tu mengubah seseorang dari baik ke jahat,rajin ke malas...
but...not all KAWAN macam tu pada aku...
parents aku selalu cakap....
"aku nak tengok KAWAN mana yang jenguk kau kalau kau sakit....."
yes...that is the usual sentences that will come out from both my parents mouth if  they made on me...
aku pon tak tahu lah..aku ni jenis yang sayang betul2 pada kawan2 aku...bukan nak bangga diri or what..
pada aku...
i've share everything with my KAWAN ...memang lah orang selalu cakap KELUARGA perlu diutamakan tapi..itu memang lah...
KAWAN ni bukan orang yang mudah untuk faham diri kita....dan bila ada orang yang betul2 tahu tentang diri kita..ambil berat tentang diri kita...kongsi suka dan duka...that is mean by FRIEND...
hurm....tah lah...
pada aku...
hahhahahahahahah...sentap pulak malam2 ni but its true guys...
aku sayang kawan2 aku walaupun macam mana buruk sekalipon layangan mereka terhadap aku.....
this updates sebenarnya dah lama nak buat tapi baru sekarang aku dapat peluang...
pada aku..pengalaman aku berkawan di asrama sudah cukup mengajar aku erti PERSAHABATAN...
walaupun orang benci aku...hina aku...kutuk aku...cakap belakang apsal aku....
aku x ambik kisah sebab itu hak mereka....setiap manusia buat kesialapn kan...
aku sendiri pernah buat kesilapan besar pada kawan2 batch aku kat asrama tu and its really infect me !!!
aku cukup sedar atas segalanya.....PERSAHABATAN itu indah...lagi2 di alam sekolah....tambah pulak di asrama...
because why ?
kita tak akan dapat apa yang kita kongsi bersama di sekolah,di asrama bila kita di luar sana...
walaupon parents aku selalu cakap...
"kau baru setahun jagung...kau belom jumpa kawan yang betul2 kawan dalam hidup kau dek..."
but....aku x peduli ayat tu sebab pada aku...
aku tahu KAWAN tu apa.....
insya'Allah..walau macam mana buruk sekali perangai kita..tapi kalau kita ikhlas pada sesiapa pon....
Allah akan sentiasa bantu kita untuk buat orang suka pada kita pada satu2 saat....insya'Allah..amin~
ingat tu !

wassalam :)

Friday, December 16, 2011


assalamulaikum ...
hey readers....lama nya tak update blog ni....
ea lah kan ..sekarang ni i have everythings...hahha..everythings ??!!...
iea lah !...saya sudah ada FACEBOOK,BLOGGER,SKYPE and TWITTER....
tak menang tangan beb nak layan semua......hee~
tak adalah....
erm..about this post subject ?!...
tu lah kan ....da tak tahu dah nak kasi tittle ape dekat post nie sebab nak cerita macam2....
about my life now....its going well but not very well actually...
handphone org yg aku sayang dah hilang and sekarang da x boleh nak SMS and CALL ...huaaaa.....
x per lah....nak buat macam mane kan...xde rezeki kan...hurm....
sdeyh nie =.='
and aku percaya bila kita sedih mesti ada HAPPY things yg akan menyusul kan....
erm...aku pon tak tahu lah sangat ape yang happy nyer tapi....
kawan yg paling aku sayang kate dia nak turun JB 20hb nanti...huaaa....HAPPY sgt2...sebab hubungan persahabtan kami baru jer pulih sebab pelbagai yang melanda kehidupan dia sepanjang cuti nie..
"Ya Allah,kau berkatilah persahabatan kami dan kau kurniakanlah kemesraan dan kebahagiaan dalam hubungan kami...."..amin ya rabbal alamin~
pikir2 pasal orang yg diSAYANGi ni....buat sakit aku ni bertambah SAKIT...sakit ape ??!!...
hah...x per lu lah tahu....biar saya dan Allah sahaja yg tahu ok...doa kan kesihatan saya ea readers....
x lama lagi dah nak naik sekolah....takut pon ada...seram pon boleh jugak...HAPPY pon x tipu....
takut sebab saya dah nak SPM daa........
seram sebab x lama lagi nak menempuh kehidupan sebagai SENIOR and FORM 5..waarrgghhhh^^
happy pulakk sebab dah nak jumpe kawan2 dan nak mula berjuang..x sabar sangat....ccceewwwaaahhh !!...
erm...pape pon....
doakan saye dan kawan2 Paragon95 dapat menjalani kehidupan sebagai form 5 dengan tenang and doakan kejayaan kami ea....semoga Allah berkati anda semua^^
jangan gelisah ea..banyakkn berdoa and struggle in our study...insya'Allah kejayaan milik kita ... amin~
erm...lagi dua minggu jer dah nak naik sekolah...esok sudaa mau beli barang sekolah meyh....
x sabar pulak kan....huhu..pape jer lah..asalkan aku bahagia !!..eewwahhh..
tapi...aku risau lahh...
ea lah...x lama lagi dah nak naik sekolah...tahun SPM pulakk tu....tapi...
aku tak pegang buku sangat....malam2 pon ayik tidur lambat jer...
Ya Allah ...takutnya...
ggggrrrrrrrrrr ~_~

ape yang aku mahukan :
-->semoga aku dapat belajar dgn mudah....Ya Allah,permudahkanlah segala urusanku..
-->hubungan dgn semua org diberkati and tiada masalah..(terutamanya org yg disyngi..)
-->harap2 tidk dibenci oleh mana2 orang..maafkn diri ini ea atas segala kesilapanku..
-->nak tinggalkan semua benda2 kotor and jahat yg aku penah buat...eishh3...
-->nak belajar betul2 utk SPM....
-->dapat diterima oleh semua pihak ..insya'Allah....

so readers!!
doakan Fahmy ea...semoga tiada halangan utk Fahmy capai ape yg Fahmy impikan.....
saye sayg awkk semuee .....

Saturday, December 10, 2011


assalamualaikum readers ...
lame nyer aku x update blog nie..rindu pon ad jugak...
ea lah...dekat hospital kan..mane lah boleh on lappy ni sangat.....aku risau lah...aku kat sini tak dapat nak buat homework...and next year will be the most important year for me....
"Ya Allah....berilah aku kekuatan..".
actually post ni i wanna tell about LIFE..KEHIDUPAN...
not the meaning but about my life....
saket yang aku hadapi ni mengajar aku macam2....tentang kejujuran seseorang terhadap diri aku...ketulusan sayang seseorang terhadap aku...mana satu madu dan mana satu hempedu.....
sekarang aku da faham...
kita tidak boleh paksa orang untuk menyayangi diri kita kan ....??
aku tidak boleh lupa orang yang aku sendiri tak tahu sama ada dia sayang atau pun tidak diri aku...
readers kene tahu ni bukan pasal couple2 eh...XDE MAKNA NYA !!...
dah tiga empat hari masuk hari ni kami x ber-SMS...
tak apalah...aku berserah...mungkin dia dah bukan mcam dulu lagi buat aku....setiap saat aku mengingati dia....perit nya kehidupan yang aku lalui sekarang ini...
hanya dia seorang jer yang mengetahui tentang segalanya berkaitan diri aku...
tak apalah...aku sakit..kehidupan aku pun x lama...
biarlah dia pilih mana yang terbaik...
i don't have any right to decide anything for him.....
mungkin ada yang lebih baik untuk dia....
setiap kali aku ingat dia, sakit aku mesti datng jugak.....
dalam solat aku selalu berdoa dn mesti sebut nama penuh dia....
kakak sedara aku selalu cakap yang kakak aku rasa dia x jujur dengan aku...
aku tak percaya!
aku marah akak sebab sms dia dan bagitahu dia segalanya tentang apa yang aku hadapi...
"Ya Allah, adakah aku benar ?! "
aku rasa kehidupan aku dah tak bermakna....


untuk DIA,
terima kasih untuk segalanya..
diri ini masih menunggu kamu...
walaupun kita bukannya apa2,aku sayang kau sangat2....
maaf selama ni mengganggu mu....

ni bukan MEREPEK tapi benar.....
"Ya Allah, kuatkan lah diriku..."

Sunday, December 4, 2011


hello.....hey readers.. :D
eh... lagi sekali.. assalamualaikum....
hurm..its been a long time for me to not updating my blog...haha...xde lah lama sangat sebenarnya ....tapi..for me ...terasa lah jugak kn.... we all in December already...and...lack of it ,we will seat for school again....
yeah...and ohh !! year will be the most imprtant year for me as i will sit for an examination that will decide my future... and it is SPM !!...
and..just forget about it for a moment...erm....HOMEWORK ?!..
so...tahun depan kan aku akan menghadapi SPM ,so confirm lah kan yang aku ni ada homework and..for sure, u all pon mesti ada homework kn?!...
hahaha...and now, aku mula risau when December have arrive..aku baru sentuh homework aku tu ciput jer...tak ada lah banyak sangat tapi, kalau da x buat tuu, makin lama nanti terus tak buat and at last,
 0 for school next year...AAARRRGGHHHH !!
so....aku pasang niat, insya'Allah lah....
tomorrow will start a usual day..i mean that my parents will out for work, i saty at home ALONE as my brother will sleep for a whole day and wake up when he wanna go out for work too..
and..thats the POINT !!
when everybody doesn't bother me at all,i can do my own work...and..that work is totally my HOMEWORK  lahh kan !!!...
and...sambil2 buat homework tu aku akn study lah jugak kan??...huhu... 2 in 1 !!
so readers,doaknlah niat aku ni dimakbulkan oleh Dia ea... aku doakan siapa2 yang doakan aku tu akan berjaya didunia dan di akhirat.. amin ya rabbal alamin...
so...for sure,tomorrow will start a HOMEWORK DAY for me ...
i love homework actually so it makes me feel x sabar2... hee~
so...out for now...coz i wanna check my lovely cutty bunny chewwy HOMEWORK !!

just click the like button if u love this post ok ..peace yaw~

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

kecik & MUCUKK:)

haha..hye readers...
assalamualaikum... peace yaw.. huhuhu~ excited pulakk mlm nieyh kn .... ealha sebab tomorrow will be the day that i have waiting for a long time ...
30hb NOVEMBER 2011
actually.. i wanna get out from this house (cewahh ..mcm provoke rumh nmpk ..) and will go to BATU PAHAT with my fellow BFF...huhuhu..oke..enough !!!
just take a look to the tittle of this post....ok...thats not a name for a cat or even doggy..or even hamster..mouseketeer or anythings....its bout US !!!
kecik is ME as well.....
and mucukk for sure is actually a little real mucuk boy that nice to me ...
this is him..

hahahaha.. hai MUCUKK !!
yes...feel very comfortable to call him as what i said before..not for real but its nice!!..
oke..his real name is SHAHRUL NIZAM.. sweet 15teen boy...
as i know, he love to play games, watching the youtube website or CHATTING....
yes..bout chatting in the facebook.. we've been together through that facilities.. everyday or even every hour we will CHATTING.. seronok lhaa chat ngn mucukk .... huk3....
he's a nice boy for me... a frank person.. love his smile and totally his ADORABLE HAIR !!
hahaha... perang siott... hee~ its nevermine lha mucukk.. keep it with u oke.. just ignore on what people said ..
we have chemistry of course.. he has DOMO-kun as i am taw !!!..hahaha...
and to mucukk..
after this kite ley tukar2 domo okey !.. ngEe~
he already sit for his PMR ...and hopefully he get the best result ever ok!!.. amin~
so....sape2 yg kacau dy or even make a junk on his feeling, aku tumbokk kaww.....huhuhuhu~
(suke2 hati nak tumbok org ...)
he love to call me as kecikk..hahaha !!... ta kesahh ~~
i love to hear that actually.. ooppssss~ huhuhu:)
no any lack about this guy... he've been nice to me... and he always company and be on my side when i'm feel alone....
thnx MUCUKK !!

if u love this post,just click the "like" button oke !!

Monday, November 28, 2011


hey readers :) lupe lahh.. assalamualaikum...
ok...actually lama aku fikir nak buat ke tak post ni tapi akhirnya aku buat lah...hahahha...
book?!...anything about book that u know ?!!..
totally yes lha kan ...

hahahha...but not EVERYONE love book as i am right ?!...
each person have their own interest ...either games stuff,collecting bags or something or even sleeping..
yes..i am one of many books lover..haha..why ?!...because i love to read..
yes... just for u to know..i can even read one novel in a day...i admit it ... bukan nak berlagak or menunjuk ..just memberitahu..hee~
tadi aku pergi MPH dekat CITY SQUARE with my parents... MPH is one of my favourite book store ever because erkk... i have no idea..tapi..aku rasa macam tenang sangat bila pilih novel or books or comic or magazine kat sana...
so...ayah aku cakap, "hah...pergi lah pilih sana buku ape yang adik nakk ... " (da 16 tahun tapi still family call me adeq...HAHAHAHA! )
so...dengan mendengar arahan yang diberikan..aku pon PILIH lah BUKU-BUKU yang aku nak....
ok...aku kalau kat kedai buku memang berjanggut lah....aku memang suke duduk lama2 kat kedai buku..kalau nak tahu lah kan the end, aku pon pilih 3 novel, 2 japanease comics and 2 magazines...
then ayah aku cakap.."BANYAK NYA ADIKK!!"....macam tekejot pon ada aku tengok muka ayah aku tuu...
nak buat mcm mane...dah dia yang kasi arahan kan...aku ikot je lah..pulak aku ni HANTU buku...WUAWUAWUAWUA~~
then cashier tu da scan2, dia pon cakap..."semua sekali rm75.30 sahaje encikk..." ...
hah...mahalnya....mesti ayah aku cakap cm tu punyer....hahaha...tibe2 pulakk ayah akux cukup cash...mintak kat mama pualkk..then mama cakap "da beli handbag tadi lha abang..."
huhuhu..then lastly ayah terpaksa lah cucuk kredit kad dia....sian ayah ....but..aku puass!!!!
hahh !!...guys....
one of my novel is OMBAK RINDU!!...u read that??!!...
well... aku tahu certain ada yang cakap.."da bace lah weyhh ...crite da na kuar wayang pon...."
so what ?... do i care?!... 
hahahaha!!..teruja and now i'm reading that novel...mule2 da meleleyh!!.HAHAHA!!...
only that for BOOK...
aku sayang buku and buku sayangg aku...HAHA !!...
ok then...just love the books for books to love you...
AND !!
never judge a books by its cover~~..hehehe..peace yaww =,='

just click the like button if u like this post !!

Friday, November 25, 2011


hey readers !!
haha... eh lupe.. assalamualaikum (^^,)
hee~ actually today is the most happy day for me...
 (x lah happy sgt sbnrnye tp bole lhaa..)
morning just now, i'm awake from my sleep awhile when my phone rang..
when i looked at the screen, "fareedCHIPMUNK95" called me..
then dengan mamai nyer aku cube angkat....
"fahmi !.. (thats my name) aku dah beli tiket bas.. pukul 8.15 taw"
hahhh ??!!....
tiket daa beli...da x pasal2 aku t'senyum sorg2 atas katil..da macam org gile pulakk bile piker balik.... HAHAHA !!...
"ok fareed....bole2... nice!..thnx der"
tu la yang aku balas...
aku pon sambung lhaa tidur balik dengan lenanya....
so.... actually i wanna tell u guys that..
on 30th of November 2011 soon, insya'allah dengan izin-Nya aku ngn kwn2 aku akan berangkat ke BATU PAHAT !!...
ccewwahh ayat!!..HAHAHAHA !!...yes...thats right !..

kteorang plan nak pegi situ lahh.. atas tuu !!... harap2 lah jadik...amin ya rabbal alamin~
ada sape2 nak kirim ape2 tak ?!!.. hahahahaha.... kiddin'
so..tiket da beli..baju da ready...diri?!..of course lah da x sabar2..hee~
so...just waiting,waiting and waiting....
aku tengok da mcm aku sorg je yg lbiyh2 aw..HAHA !!...
x kesah sebab memang aku lebih..x sabar siot !!..

peace :D

law suke post nyh like2 lah kt bwh tu.. 
eh3!..hah..nk bgithu something...setelah berbulan2 aku belajar cara utk meletakkn button LIKE facebook kt bwh tuu,bru sekrg aku dapat buat !!..haha~ mcm cool gilerr!! lah lepas ni hehhh !!...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


hey readers ;) i would like to make this post about one of my besties!..
yes...i knew her since 2008 during i'm in standard 1..okeokeoke...first of all..
assalamualaikum...ea lah kan ...kita orang islam kene lah bagi salam .... tak gituu HEZZY ?!!..(amboi joyah betol ?!)
haha...hezzy ?...yes...she's the one !...actually..her real name is NUR NUR EIZZATY HAZIRAH ZULKIFLI....(nice name lahh !)..ecehh..mcm baru kenal pulakk....
hahaha...but..i told you guys...she is an awesome girl for me....why ?...erm....because of one two things that i couldn't tell you...first impression about her will make you to said.."macam sombong je minah ni...."...yes..i admit it...
BUT !!.
when we know her, DIAA HEEBBAADD lahh !!!....she is very sporting,cool,awesome,GILA2....layaann~~
yes....i love to be friend with her....i came to my school (sakti) and have a music class as her'allah i knew her well now...
she comes from Taman U , Batu ordinary to talk with her..and when there are a camera,she will tune to be PHOTOGENIC GIRL!!..
hahahha...dia x bole jumpa kamera sebenarnya..nanti dia meghoyan.. (betol ke eja tu?..)
this is the only post yang tulisan nye BESAR sikit sebab tuan punye picture kat atas cakap kat aku semalam...
"bace post kat blog kaw bole buat juling mate aku.."...or..."kalau hj hassan bace blog kau memang bole juling mate dia.."..something like that lah...
so just for you little Hezzy this post using a bigger letter...HAHA !
we achieve together in our school's orchestra ..and you know what,she's the one of best trumpeter!!....
love her playing..I ADMIT IT !!!... is Hezzy for ordinary,simple cute girl upthere....
so...sape2 yang nak kenal dia bole add her facebook account here*

so..peace yaww :D

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


ok....this is not time to lough at ALL !!
u know what?...i really not satisfied on what they are doing on us.... bukan nak berdendam but why INDONESIAN x sedar2??...subhanallah..tengok jer lah gambar kat atas tu ??..what the purpose they all doing this??...
one thing here....
kita kena tahu yang kalah menang tu adat dalam permainan...x perlulah sampai nak berdendam segala....dah lah memaki hamun,mengutuk,mncaci,menuduh yang x semena,lepas tu melibatkan semua sekali ...politik,agama ,ekonomi......whats the point u try to show ??...
ok...i'm just a 16 years student and i have nothing BUT ....every human have their own feeling and i couldn't stop to restrain this thing to keep happening...
ok lah...either MALAYSIA or INDONESIA...
each country have their own advantages and disadvantages...
deal about that !...
so...whats the point u try to do this kind of pages......

you can just click upthere readers =(
of course lah i'm a MALAYSIAN would feel sad and dissatisfied!
sekali lagi,bukan niat untuk berdendam atau ape2 tapi masing2 kene ini bukan 100% untuk menyatakan INDONESIA salah tapi rakyat MALAYSIA juga perlu sedar...
to those INDONESIAN,
u should know that we (malaysia) had do everything for you...bukan untuk diminta dikenang segala jasa budi tapi sekadar sedikti rasa hormat....u know what,ada x kerajaan MALAYSIA membunuh,membuang atau merogol,meliwat,menghina rakyat indonesia yang datang ke MALAYSI tanpa visa,passport or whatever??...ada ke tidakk...malah those govermenter hantar rakyat korg pulang dengan baik dan semestinya buatkan korang pas pelepasan untuk terus menetap disini untk mencari rezeki....
we know that ur country are one of the country that have lots community but less necessity...
kami xde pulak buat page BENCI AMAH,BENCI PEKERJA INDON..
malah kami berikan ganjrn yg sepatotnye utk korg with hope u and ur family can keep survive in ur life....
memang x dapat dinafikanlah kan ada sesetengah rkyt Malaysia tu x puas hati dgn rkyt korg tapi...itu norma kehidupan....kita ISLAM and ISLAM teach us to not berdendam upon each other..mcm mane ISLAM NAK KUKUH??...thats the point for agama...
to MALAYSIAN,we suppose to not bothered them...just ignore on what they try to do...kita merupakan negara yg aman..x perlulah kite berdendam...balas semula ape yang mereka buat pada kite....Allah SWT tu Maha Adil....sabar je lah...yes..i knew that my statement, "kita sabar je lah " looks like x masuk akal but just think about that..kalau kita x layan perangai dyeorg,dyeorg msti senyap punye....
kami x pernah buang rkyt kamu dari negara kami.....just not because of the football match,u had do this to us...
korg suppose to sedar that we must connect each other..baru lah kita sama2 membangun.......
i really2 don't because of i'm still young but malulah dengan negara2 antarabangsa yang lain....
jagan lah pulak kita ni nak jadi mcm negara2 yg berperg2 sini sane....thats not the true way ...
once again..kalah menang tu adat permainan....
thats all are decide by Him..kalau korg terus menerus arguing like this,thats 100% show that korg x terima takdir-Nya.... a professional person....
and..yang paling buat aku x puas hati,dah lah korang buat gambar yg bukn2,then korg letak pulakk komen2 tuduhan ,cacian,maki hamun....kalau lah ape yg korang cakap  tu semuanya betol...tapi kalau slah,da jadi FITNAH !!....
fakta: dosa orang fitnah lebih besar dari dosa orang yang berzina....
subhanallah..bukan nak tunjuk baik but we must knew it...korg nk buktikn MACAM2 kelebihan indonesia pada kami,its fine !!....tapi x perlulah sampai kata2 tu berbaur yang x sedap..thats the point yang buat rkyt kami ni (Malaysia) sama2 buat ape yg korg da buat pada kami....
just make peace....thats nothing to do if we continue to down each other...
jangan sampai satu hari nanti Allah SWT tu turunkan azab pada dua2 negara....
sudah terhantuk baru nak terngadah..
and to all MALAYSIAN,
just ignore them....ape pon yang dyeorg buat,that will not sama sekali menjatuhkan martabat kita kan ??...
we still together as a peaceful,prideful country...we have our own dignity so just keep them...
maruah tu lagi penting dari bergado x tentu pasal...last2 nanti dyeorg senyaplah penat nak kutuk org....

fakta:barangsiapa yang membuka atau menceritakan keaiban saudaranya di muka bumi,nescaya Allah SWT akan membuka keaibannya di akhirat kelak...

so...ignore them....we still together...and to Malaysia football them,keep strong as ur title HARIMAU MALAYA ok..insya'allah..apepon yang dyeorg buat ,tuduh,fitnah pada negara kita,satu hari nanti Allah SWT akan tunjukkan....
just sabar je ok!...

peace #_#


assalamualaikum !..
hey i can update my blog when last night the internet make me felt ggggrrrr!!
hahaha...just like the tiger last night !...
hahh !!...about the tiger..yaahhhhooouuu ..........
GOLD award for HARIMAU MALAYA !!...
i watched fully match last night with my family....nice memories to be remind when suddenly Malaysia's team got the prize!!...
when onlining the facebook while watching, it make me lough alone and look weird upon my family....
all of them abusing those Indonesia players and some of the Malaysian player who player dirt.....hahaha!! just a game...but is fun actually ..we could see the sportmanship showed by the football team right ?!...

yeahh !!!...this is our team !!...
love u lahh HARIMAU MALAYA ... actually,when the ball got into our goal once in the earlier match,i felt "bbuuuuuu " to our team actually...but i just considered it as it just a game and it just in the early match, so i though our team could rise and wave the glory....
and it FULFILLED!!
congrates HARIMAU MALAYA!!...hopefully this victory will make our community to be more appreciate to our national football team....insya'allah ...
last night match made me felt great !...why??....i just left everything behind,my homework,my food,my drink and everything and sit in front the HD while continue updating my Fb ..HAHA !!..
made me felt awesome lhaa !!...

some of my post in the fb :
‎" sang GARUDA dibaham,dilapah sang HARIMAU "... surat khabar BERITA HARIAN esok ;)

ad mat endon sadis lhaa..siann !!
muke pukimak punye endon....buat fall muke musibat !!!

there many else tapi x kan lhaa nk tnjokkn semua kan . . . made me felt great enough !!..eventhough i'm just watching it in front the HD,i still could feel the spirit.....why??
because i'm MALAYSIAN lhaa!!!... thing that made me felt wide-open,some of the INDONESIAN curses,cursing and insulting our country....why must they do that?...and now....we could see that 100% lah kn yang those INDONESIAN felt embrassed upon their behaviour...Allah is mighty.. all are already decide by Him...we only could pray,pray and keep need to down other people.... all MALAYSIAN,we had need to talk bad about other people ok...just ignore them... we have our dignity right?!!..we are a pride-full left them....
ALHAMDULILLAH once again as our team ,HARIMAU MALAYA had get their victory...

Saturday, November 19, 2011


hahaha...hye there!!...
greats!....this post actually about me and my friend along the free time after final exam in our school and beloved hostel...don't wanna tell more and let the pics tells you everythings....enjoy !!

HAHA !!...this moment will never come back ...why ??...coz next year ,we will sit for the greatest examination in our life that will decide our future.....sweetlovelySPM.....
hopefully that we could achieve a 100% success.....pray for me and all my friends upthere ok !!.....