assalamualaikum ...
hey guys :)
Ya Allah !!..
lama gila Fahmy x update blog kn ?..
huhuhu...rindunyer.....hurm..actually ni pon Fahmy update dekat Media Room at my school..
actually i've been very busy right now ....i'm not going home yet...hurm....sedihhh :'(
its doesn't matter...
there are lots of activities that i'm doing right now in school for sure...
wanna tell you guys....
some of my activity during schoool time lah !!!
tapi Fahmy tak boleh cerita panjang2 sangat coz in the middle of time i must log out and PRAY !!!
dah nak zohor dah nie...
(baik lah pulakkk =.=')
erm....last month, i went to volleyball tournament lah at
Tengku Mahkota Sport School....
and ALHAMDULILLAH i won the tourmanent with my fellows teammate...
eventhough we just got the third place, we satisfied much !!
berhempas pulas lawan akhirnya Allah tentukan tempat ketiga untuk Fahmy and kawan2..ok lah tu kan !
and now..
i have been training for bowling tournament next week and for preparation for Festival Wind Orchestra SBP that will be held at Putrajaya !!!!!!!
sumpah tak sabar nak pergi pertandingan wind'o tu...
dalam ketakutan nak bertanding, terselit rasa keseronokan bila nanti dapat berjalan !!
erm....i think, i'm off right now....
and for sure, balik cuti penggal nanti Fahmy update banyak2 lagi keyh ...
to all readers!
pray for my examination and for sure for my SPM this year !...
takut sangat tapi kene berjuang untuk kecemerlangan kan ?!
insya'Allah 9A+ dalam tangan !
amin ya rabbal alamin~
ok lah guys !
Fahmy log out dulu yer...nanti Fahmy update lagi...sumpah Fahmy rindu kat belogg nieyh !!
assalamualaikum :)
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