Why we must face all those problems??..huh..last one about hoping a person to hang out wif me….now…about a person that I have no idea either this person like@love@miss me or not??!!...
..“aq cyg kw la bodo!!”..
Always messenging not showing that a person love us right?!..
Aq bg everything kat kw..aq x pnh mra kw..[klu ad pon aq yg minx maap..]..aq x pnh bnci kw dlm edop aq wlau kwn2 aq kutok kw mcm2…aq x pnh minx kw ape2……
Aq minx stu jewp dr kw…”please appreciate me as one of the person who love u most…can u??...”sob..sob..sob..
Ape salah aq kt kw?!...
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