Reading newspaper this morning..waiting for the time to me to get study…hm…boring..boring..boring….then…
Aarrgghhhh!!!..oh my prada?!!..i found this article on the newspaper…did you all see what is it??..hahaha…
~see anything with the arrow??~
I will show u mre closer after telling the sory beck of this article..the palce in the aricle remind me about the person in my school…actually he is a new student@stalker@blur or whateva in my school…came from a place far far far away…[like in the article]…actually,honestly that I hate this person mostly after he make some kind of nonsense on me!!..
“aq sambot kw punyer bek,ps tu kw buat taek ngn aq!! hal!!!”
I shouted on him once after he did it..huh…exactly..what is his point to compare me with other person??[j**f*r *n*]…bloody hell!!...i swear I hate him ever!!..
“aq klu da bnci org,sush nk bek@cke blek doe…buatla bek stbal kmus dewn pon ngn aq…x jamin…..”
Hahaha….im my life…I didn’t need anyone or any person to be compare to…why??..because I am my self…there are nobody can change except me!!!…WHAT EVER MAJOR LOOSER!! need to tell who is the bloody hell person that buat taik ngn aq nieyh….oke?!..
p/s:amek cermin,tngok dlm2 smpai lobos!!!...klu perfect,ckp!! hal la der…aq x api dlm mulot bran,try r…kite tgok muke spe kne selet taek dlu…..loser!!!!
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