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\(0_0')/ * kAmsAhAmnIdA * \("^_^)/

Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
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Thursday, December 30, 2010


Malaysia and Indonesia
one fraternity
Malaysia and Indonesia
one rivalry
Malaysia and Indonesia glory
Malaysia and Indonesia
one victory

Why should we quarrel
Extrovert our emotions like a chirping squirrel
This generation ought to break the barrel
The spiral; the swirl

Malaysia and Indonesia
One continent
Malaysia and Indonesia
Nor opponent
Malaysia and Indonesia
We salute; we are swith
Malaysia and Indonesia
Retard the feud; let's be kith

hahahaha...actually ats ue poem yg aq PINJAM dr my SBPian fren..FAIZ FAHMI...bhahahaha..[actually dye x tw pon sbnrnye..]..hahahaha...thnx bro !!!...congratez la for HARIMAU MALAYA coz berjaya menumpaskan pasukan INDONESIA last night...cek bgge jdi ank MALAYSIA..[version lan pet pet..] need bomoh2..jampi2 or whatever that not suppose to be done if we need the success to be ours!!....just pray and give a big comitment..[???]..on what we wanna do and insya'Allah Allah SWT always be with need laser2 laa....laser gunung la..[bak kate aktress seksi indon yg tah ape2 je ue..mng x jugkk!!...bbuuwekkk..] we can see right siape yg betol and siape yg salah...i'm not telling that INDONESIA is the faller but x payah la smapai nk buat fitnah2 nie....kan Tuhan da tunjukkan sampai nk buat blog kutok2 malaysia...hisshh3....DENGAN INI CEK SEBAGAI ANAK MUDA MALAYSIA MENEGASKAN KEPADA PEMUDA2 DI LUAR SANA AGAR SENTIASA LAH BERFIKIRAN TERBUKA...[ape kaitan??..]...bhahahahahaha....and n0w!!..[drum roll plis...]..i present u,the winner of this match!!!.....


hahahahaha...big claps!!!!...tahniah3....see..walau ape pon ancaman yg menunggu di luar sane..sedikit pon tidk melemahkan semangat anak2 MALAYSIA ini..[falsafah la plakk!!]..bhahahaha..but...don make this issue as the main point for MALAYSIA cannot be friend with INDONESIA laa...not a big deeal actually..juz sikp sesetengah pihak yg tidk dpt menerime kenytaan..ue jerp...hahaha....tahniah ya pasukan rimau[indon version]..bhahahahaha!!..

P/S:setinggi2 kemaafan ditujukan kepada NAIEM ROSLEE kerna TERcuri pic malaysia ngn suzuki cup tu..bhahahahahaha...[sje jer sbnrnyer..]..big claps for NAIEM ROSLEE guys!!...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

HUH..DA NAK ABEZ LAA~ time is almost done...i means that my holiday..another one week for me to face my school again..and that is also mean..this blog will off for a long timE..wwaarggh...cdeyh meyh..cgt5!..this week is thE most buzyiest week for me...hahahaha..speaking mcokk LONGKANG lorh...ea la...da hmpir sbulan stgh cuti...hehehehe..y0 laa...minggu paling sibuk meyh...kne uruskn brg2 nk blek hostel....i'm a SBPian..s0..hostel member meyh..hehehe..[promote lax]...mcm2 dlm pale otak nie nk bwk blek umah q di saner...hahaha..SAKKTTII!!..wait 4 mee...hehehe..[setiap thon dye tggu kw ngeng!!]..hahaha....starting from last mummy already remind me  a lots!!..aarrgghh....mcm2 dye cwoh aq prepare...but..she's will make me easier then..x yh la last minute nk pker ..right??!!...nnty 2 hb just nek krete and JJAALLAANN!!...
s0..what i must do:-

~amek cloths kt dobi <settled>
~sampul buku teks make it sweet..hehe..<settled?>
~buy the school stuff <settled!!>
~read books <NNOO!!>
~kuruskn bdn..hahaha..<forget it>.. the books?? year will be the hard year 4 me to keep studying 4 my SPM...bunyi cm gebang tp we must take it serious!!...rmai owg ckp yg f4 adlah holiday year but it's not for me!!...studying will make it sweet and better in keep our knowledge..right??!!..haha..jgn ckp yg aq x ingt pada pljrn...honestly,hmpir setiap mse aq wsau psal study aq coz aq kurg bce this my mind..<study when school open soon!!>aminn~..hopefully that i will make it real...huh..
thank God brg2 skola aq da settle kn ag ckit2 yg aq lom bli....


~what inside??~

hahaha..see..i've told u...da ciap laa brg ckola q!!...thumbs up la!! nie aq kne focus on my books,cloths, and whatever laa~
hmm...cdeyh laa holiday nk must leave back my LAPTOP,LOVELY OMNIA2..BLOG & FB!!!..aarrgghh....hmm...s0..after i get back to my school,i must return to my hobby..<reading books> that i can cover my sadness and loveness to my stuff..('',) rndu gkk kt kwn2 aq....hmpir sbulan stgh aq menghabiskn cuti keseorgn..[cceewwaahhh...y0 laa]...haha..wndu nk men bola tmpr ngn kwn2..wakakakaka....e2 yg aq pker??!! laa..tkot gax nie..x tw ag meyh mcokk klas pae nk dkt hri nk blek hostel due feeling jewp kt dlm hti aq nie...

1.sedih sebb nk tggalkn umh and those stuff behind ('',)
2.x sbr nye nk jmpe kwn2 and nk pkai brg bru..haha..(^^,)

urm...thats all...fenin lorh!! kne troskn sebb itu la impian aku..hehehe..wanna get good result in any my
acchivement!!..[bet0l ke eja u??!!..haha] year aq da jd seni0r laa..f4 already..msty ag bnyk tggongjawab yg aq kne tggong..[wlaupon student biase..hehe]..tah ape laa yg akn jdik for the next year in my school.....hurm..hopefully that there are many good things waiting for me in the next year's life!!...amin ya rabbal alamin~
tp...kdg2 tkot gax ble pker bnde2 yg akn trjd tp...yg baek tu dr Allah SWT dn yg burokk itu dr kelalaian hmbe-Nya sndri

aq pon nga x sbr2 nk nek skewl actually..hahahaha...pusing2 r aq nie...nGEng!!...bkn sbnrnye x sbr nk kasi prezen kt kwn yg aq da jnji nk kasi kn hdiah ue..kwn ker??'s right....that always make me happier to get back to school..x sbr gk nk mlyn kerenah kwn2 ue..bhahahahahaa..em..

~pen-off dlu laa~

Sunday, December 26, 2010


having a weekend wif my family laa...haha....nk cite ckit nie..bkn nk kutok tw..first weekend i spent on this filem..


thumbs up la for this movie!!...bukn la best sgt tp not bad laa!!....continued filem from Zombie Banana Village!!..wakakaka....cn0klaa....terbahakk kjap...hik3..not an official scary movie actually laa...based on its tajok pon da tw kn...about a crazy woman named KAK LIMAH who can't find her own life!!..hahaha...sy0klaa this m0vie...cnok3...!!..there were tw0 real ghosts in this movie...AYU and i forgot another one who closed and like AWIE in this filem...hehe...actually not a rearranged ptogram to watch this filem...but..da cmpai cne [CATHAY;cs] tbe2 no filem that interested je laa!!...alhamdulillah cte nie best gkk...hee~

this filem lakk for this weekend....but..

this movie kurEenngg ckit lorh..not interesting enoughh..from the beginning it started bored...i though that the interenting scene will appear in the beginning or in the climax's n0thing!!...ku pekerkan gempakk!!.....from the promotion scene in tv just like a real horror movie ni utk 18 thon ke atas lakk pape yg mnybbkn kami ni bwh umur,x dbnrkn tgok!!...haha.....not enough p0wer la janin...hehe...coey~ still my gempakk weekend...i had a surprise celebration from my parents laa...they brought me to this place before we had our movies...

~snApp by:sIs m0na gNDut..hehe~

haha...sbnrnye..parents aq da arranged a mini surprise for me....result pmr baek punyA!!..hehe..lurve u!!....k0nyang den menc0kik x ingat duni0!!...wahahaha..u kn0w what..kec0h gler kami di citu...went there with:
m0na salleh..abg jahat!!..haha..eiyka..b0boy..abg A'ue..kak mira..nAna cwEet...kaMi hArookk!!!...hehe....lurve u all laa...thnx guys!!...


Saturday, December 25, 2010


u know what...dr mlm cmlm[a day before i took the result] memg x ddok diam r...resah sgt3 !!..thinking about my result that i will take it..huh..
pgi2 lg mak aku da kejot dengan muke trsnyom lebr memg x pker laen slaen RESULT !!..eerghh..u know what..sepnjg prjlann aq pgi skewl,aq da mcm ptong budha kt dlm kete ue..[mak aq ckp]...senyp jer...honestly, aq memg tgh nervous+cuak+SERAM+x sbr+SEDIH=mcm2 memg x brhnti bce doa [cceewwaahh]...hmm....when i reached at my lovely skewl on 11.05 am..all my friends already bertenggek dpn blik seminar tron mcm prdna mnteri !!..haha..cmue tngok aq ..[segan gle doe !!] x pndg spe2 pon wktu la gk yg memggil so trpkse snyum naek tros g ke arh shbt2 ku
[ammar,zulkhidir,zharif,amin,hafizuddin] naek ngn zulfadhli..wwhhhooo..
xde la mlu sgt..(^^,)
then..cikgu alim [guru PK HEM] pggil..."nk amek result x ??? "memg wktu tu jntong aq nk trkluor ckp lu !! jmpe kwn yg pling aq cyg..CAMIE !!..miss u laarrhh...
then mcokk blik seminar stu kne ambek result by class.."3 BAIDURIII !!.."..cikgu Othman[cikgu BM] bwt memg serm sej0k wktu tu..
yg pling aq geram !!..dk2 klas aq cmue ke blkg x nk amek dulu !!..aarrgghh...
aq da tengah seramm..ley lakk dyeowg cm ue..pppeerrggh..
aq angin stu bdn japp...dengan germ nyer aq dlukn la dri aq...[aq x sgke aq wt cm ue]..
ps ue..cikgu othman tnye.."no angke giliran ? " jwb..hehe.."jd065k010"..skli aq nmpk slip aq..dye tarik pelan..ggggrrr....


~syukur alhamdulillah~

time ue jugk muke aq hujan..senyum aq x yh ckplaa...cmpai ke belkg !!..hehe..trcpai jugk impian kuar tros tnjok result paper kt parenz aq dr ue aq msokk bilek ue blek jmpe yg len...alhamdulillah..kptusan dk2 PARAGON95 is the best laa y0owW!!..
dari form 1 aq beljr smpai la form 3 ni...alhamdulillah...akhernye aq dpatlah bwt parenz aq epy ngn aq...hee~..u know what..after aq dpt paer terus tepon nenek aq kat ckp aq juz dpt 5A jer...cdeyh lakk bile dengar respon nnek aq ue!! ..[T.T]..
haha..juz nak wt surprise laa for my grandmom n grandpa at rse aq la stu2 nye PMR candidate yg amek result pkol 11.00 pgi then smpai umh pkol 10 mlm..wwaaarrgghhh....
[aq tencen beb !!] papa laa...bley lak dye singgah kdai kereta..ape tah yg dye "PROMP" kreta dye rse lepas dye siap krete dye ue,dunie aq mkin gelp naek krete urh..."TINTED" dye..punyer la gelap !! pape laa...asalkan HIDOP AQ BAHAGIAAA!!!....hee~


Friday, December 24, 2010



~cYunKk batch nie doWk 4 ever~

kAmI 8A !!

~ amalina,balqis,najiha,affira ~

~ amalina,fairuz,balqis,najiha,affira ~
snApp !!

caNdiD !!

luRve u LaHh !!..

~wE WiLL aLwAyZ ThE BeST~

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


ni takot bukan sebb aper..actually tkot gk....huh..this keramat date..

23rd december 2010

warrghh..this is the due date to take the PMR cgt3...reader,doakn fhmy k 8A'S...amin~now..i can't sleep while chatting with a person that i most love because i'm thinking about wonder avery PMR candidates are same as me!..right??..huhu..
but..yg mmbuatkn aku ag cdeyh coz adlh org yg pling aq cyg x ley amek result coz dye xde transport..cian la kt la aq ley tlong dye..huh...sad [T_T]


Tuesday, December 21, 2010



i wanna share my short holiday here with everyone..haha..klu nk brhsie lbih baik buat blog gne bku ..letak bwh katil then HEMPAP!!..haha..1st December ..aku kuar ngn kwn yg pling q cyg x plan pon nk follow up mina nie..haha..mina lakk?..em..but..dye tepon aq pgi2 bute[sbnrnye kcu wktu titow aq] ajk aq aq da kuar g keje..DUET?!!..aadduuss..ape ciap awl2 then went to my mother's office and took the DUET!! la kar nan kmU eryn mox!!..huhu..wndu lorh!!dye nie catu pale ngn sng sgt kwn nan dyer..gile gkk kdg2 mina nie..hihi..maaf dong ERYN..hee..~

~kami~ la "mina" ue..hehe...miss dye cgt2 ahh..[wlaupon dye gile kdg2]..nver minelaa...evryone hve their own characters right?!..we watched movies..ate mc'd..cuci mate..wakaka...done everything!!..hee..~


u know what..the guy or even boy that i will tell about him after this is the most ??? guy..haha..i have no idea about him...evrone that meet,taking,gossiping,tell a story about him will said.."LATU LAA SY*ALL!!"...
i have no idea about him..[tp q follow gk]..

hah..this guy laa.....[bju cm kt DYNA JAYA jer latu..]..even his caloser called him LATU for short..his name is SYAHMI MD NOR..haha..dunnow much la about him~
talented guy in rugby gmpak jer..u know what..this picture have been tagged by AILY ELFIQ to all our frens..haha..cian latu..mrket skjap..hee..~
his a good guy la kwn..[insya'Allah]..huhu..~

Monday, December 20, 2010


Ku minta pokok dri Allah , Allah beri hutan..
Ku minta bunga,Allah bg taman..
Ku minta sungai,Allah bg lautan..
Ku minta teman,Allah bgkan "kamu"..

"seseorang yang intimewa bukan yg selalu
di depan mata..yang sentiasa di sisi..
dia yang setia di hati
diingati dalam setiap doanya.."

artikel kat atas ue aq dpt dri seseorang yg betol2 aq SYG dlm edop aq...dye sgt memahami diri sdih bile dye ad selalu berdoa kepde Allah supye dye x akn prgi dri hidop aq..dye x kn hilg dri khdupan x akn prnh bnci dye sepnjg hayat aq..wlau strok mne pon dye,xde seorg pon yg berhak kutok dyer..lntaklah korg nk bnci kt dye ker..tu korg pnye tetp SYG kn dyer..

~ pen-off ~

Sunday, December 19, 2010


when i'm think back about myself..i must have my new "azam"..hurm...not regret about myself but just need a "RENOVATION"..i just thinking about my result that will out so0n..i must get..



insya'Allah..starting from tonight..i will make some improvement..i will never let my parents down about me..but..what am i suppose to do?!


  • sleep EARLY from within
  • make the BLOGGING and FACEBOOKING time a little bit short
  • keep PRAYING to Allah SWT
  • make good stuff with ANYBODY..
  • never look down to ANYONE..
  • never missed PRAYER
and so on..that will bring me a good respons..followers,pray for me keyh..i hope that i can make it better and better..
amin ya rabbal alamin~ 

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Lady Gaga merupakan ILLUMINITI?

        Kita sudah tentu mengenali siapakah itu Lady Gaga kan? Dia merupakan bintang pop yang sangat glamor dan popular dalam kalangan masyarakat dunia. Kita sering mengampunya kerana keasyikan dalam mendengar lagunya yang mampu memukau hati pendengar. Sedar tak sedar Lady Gaga telah berjaya menarik hati para manusia untuk menyokongnya. Di laman sesawang "Facebook" Lady Gaga telah mencapai tahap diminati yang paling tinggi iaitu dengan jumlah lebih daripada 24 juta pengundi. Walau bagaimanapun, sering kali kita mengatakan bahawa Lady Gaga merupakan idola kerana kepukawan suaranya. Tidak sedarkah anda bahawa ada udang di sebalik batu? Lady Gaga baru sahaja terkenal malah dia juga merupakan penyanyi yang baru sahaja menceburi bidang nyanyian tidak seperti Britney Spears yang sudah lama menceburi bidang ini. Walau bagaimanapun, Lady Gaga telah berjaya melonjakkan jumlah peminatnya melebihi Britney Spears. Baru masuk dah terkenal.

       Tahukah anda, bahawa Lady Gaga merupakan seorang Illuminati (pengikut Freemason)? Dia berperanan menyebarkan dakyah Freemason dengan mediumnya iaitu dalam bidang muzik. Dia mengambil langkah drastik dengan mengumpul peminat bagi menyokongnya dan mengikut jejak langkah yang dilakukan olehnya. Bukalah mata anda. Dunia penuh dengan fitnah. Siapakah Lady Gaga sebenarnya?


haha..hari ni satu hari aku lepak ngn cousin aq nie..[mamat gem0k]..have a lots of fun things with him..huhuhu..we got same OTAK!!..haha...kami seruper..[saiz bdn je laen]...we lough together..sang together..haha..gilakk la kaMUU!!..

~SNAPP!!~ la mok lepk ngn last kowt aq lepak ngn dye ..another 2 weeks aq da nk blek hostell...wwuuaarrgghh...haha...miss this moment lah!!.. dye [mamat a.k.a azam farhan] is my sepupu yg pling aq geram ngn owg yg cke buli dyer..[ad ker??]..hehe..nyway..wndu nak lepak ngn ko mat!!..~pen-off~

aku CYUNK kwn2 aku!!..


dyeowg nyh cmue kwn2 yg pling aq cyg..tke notice about them yeah!!!..

Ni name dyer ZULKHIDIR & FADHLY..

haha .. this my bestfriend for ever la kawan..hehe..u know what...they are the most FABELOUS friend yg aq x pnh jumper....everything we done together..sukses!! x kn pnh luper dyeorg sebb dyeorg x pernh luper pade aq..haha ..kat hostel ..semue kami kongsi bersame ..(^^,),nkowledge,happiness,sadness,stuff and lots!!..senang ckp, SAYANG kowunk gile2 ah !!..

This one is ESYAM..

this one is ESYAM for short..hee..but..dye tinggi ok !! ..haha..this is my friend since I was in form 1 ..dye la dormmate yg 1st aq jumpe..someone like chocolate,lough n crying!!..haha..dri form 1 aq bsme ngn dye..ahakz..kami bnyk kimia ..lurve K-pop,VIDEO CALL,choclate..haha..mcm2 lah..x terkate..i'm lovin it!!.hehe ..dye nyh somone that like cadbury roast almond most !!..u know what..that choclate dye boley bntai smpai 3 SEKALIGUS dengn bantuan TIADA!!..haha..but..that's ESYAM..who r him n what r him,he will always be my lurved friend !!..syg km0o la kwn..(^^,)

Ni name dye ZULFADHLI..

Ni la kwan aq yg pling aq segani..!! ..btol beljr bnde bru dlm hidop aq mcm2 dr dyer..i like the way he gave me advice one can be him beside himself !!..seorg yg permh..ckop berilmu !! suke beljr ngn dye sebb dye suke mengjar org tentg ilmu bergune !!..thumbs up la zul!! ..kdg2 dye niyh gile jugk ..hehe..dye ni cm KAMUS DEWAN aq laa..we shared evrything ..never have secrets between us right ?!.. hehe..cyunk kw la ZUL !! ..

this one is AMMAR..HAHA..

hah..budk ni laen cite..dye ni ad market dye sndri..haha..
dye ni BIJAK+GILE+SEMUT+..=AMMAR!..but..nevermind laa...we can't judge a book by its book right can judge ammar based on his STOMACH..wakakaka..dye nyh ckop misteri bg laa..dye seorg yg caring..suke berkongsi pndpt n story between life n death..waahh!!..miss him gile2 ahh!!..never lose him..cpe2 yg buli BUDK COMEL ni aq sepak jaoh!! pham?? ..fuuHHh..hehe..he tough me evrything !!..lurve u SEMUT !!..hehe..

this is AMI ..for short..

this is the girl that i most RESPECT in mylife ..haha..btol cyunk dye gile2 !!..only a girl that care about me n my probs..only her that knew my probs a sdih bile dye disedihkn oleh org yg mnydihkn dyer !!..we shared sadness n happiness bnci org yg wt dye MARA+SEDIH !! ..someone that very intelligence..hee..dye ad bile aq memerlukn dyer..just her that knew about something that most TROUBLE STUFF dlm edop aq..biarla dye cowunk jer yg twu sebb she understand me !!..haha..lurve u AMI cmpai mati ..hee..

this one is FAZLY or known as ABE..haha..

nyh kwan HANDPHONE laa...between those frens up there..dye la yg pling bnyk temnkn aq..
[ye ker??]..huhu..yes..that is right!! ..100% trbaek dri ladang..haha..dye fham aq sgt2..hve lots of happiness with cke kongsi mslh aq ngn dye wsau klu aq x msg dyer..[eh..?!] aq mnymak lakk ek dlm edop dyer??!..haha..pape jer laa...dye bnyk sgt PROBLEM!! i right abe??..hee...x sgt laa...evryone have their own probs doesn't matter if he also has his own cke dgr cte dyer..huk3...mcm2..luRve u LA KWAN!!..

this cute boy here is ZHARIF..hehe..

hehe...i lurve his style...dye ckop rajin beljr,bce bku..NYANYI!!..haha...but..he done something by himself only!!..dye nyh jenis yg x ske mmblas dendm trhdap org yg menganiaya dyer tnpe sebrg pndgn dr KAMI!! laa..just..low profile..klu dye wt smthing..ckop CEKAP n ckop PANTAS...btol..x tpu punyer hal laa..his hand writing..wahh..thumbs up laa!!..both of us like volleyball most..haha..[same with others laa] to lough with him about EVERYTHING !!..hehe..lurve his smile...ahakz..miss u gile2 la kwan!!..

last one here is CAMIE for mnje..hehe..

klau kowunk nk tw..dye nyh la kwn yg pling aq "syg".."snjung".."cinte"..sebb dye nyh laa kwn aq yg pling "GILE"..
hahaha..yup..dye memg gle for sure..hehe..dye nyh trsgtla sporting..gile2 ngn aq...caring gkk laa..
[kdg2 jer..]..em..cke cgt kcu owg..trmsoklah aq...but...clever boy for ur information..have good-looking,cute ckit seng sgt kwn ngn dyer...memahami cke due word yg clalu dye ckp.."OKA" and "h03" rse dye nk jd prtner ngn SANTA x prnh nmpk dye cdeyh tp aq x cke dye bnci owg yg wt dye mra atw cdeyh atw pape je laa...haha...sng cyg dye gile2!!..haha..sebb dye GILER!!..

those person up there are my beloved friends most in my x nk hilg dyeorg dr hidop x kech ape2 owg nk ckp pcal aq ngn kwn2 aq but..we have our own PRIDE..kteorg adlh diri kteorg sndri..there are nobody that can change our relationship..hehe...lurve kowunk giler2 ahh!!

Friday, December 17, 2010



Hp laptop tu aq dpt on 7th December 2010..[thank you nenek]..tu adalah hadiah dari nenek yg pling aq syg dlm hedop anymore wonder~nenek in my life..she took it cash by her own saving money...hurm..thanx a lot nenek..lurve u so much..that broadband from my cute ATOKK!!..haha...kisahnyer mcm ckp kt nenek aq.."kalau ad bnde nyh[laptop] tp xde internet nk bwt aper mak" pnggil nenek aq "MAK"..then ATOKK aq dengar...lpas tu dyer ckp.."x pe la..kalau mak da blikn laptop nyer..bapak belikn internetnyer"..hehe..mcm tu la ksih yg terjadi..s0.ckop package!! maks me easier to promp this keep on9 with my friends on FB..[jimat duit x yh g Cc lagi!!]..hehehe..anyway..thank you NENEK and ATOK!!...
the Samsung Omnia2 bought by my lovely mother...i have no idea about it actually..i told my mother that handphone aq [Nokia Supernova] hilg kt hostel[damn mambong!!]..kne la ceramah sikit ngn mak aku..but..bnde da nak hilang..nk wt cmne..[salah aku jugak..charge pgi letak bwah bantal]..huh..then..balik bermalam for end-year holiday..mama aq bagi handphone ni..[on 23rd November]..terkejot berok aq!! the way..hilgnyer slide phone yg bru..touch screen dowk!!..hehe..alhamdulillah!!...thank you mama!... s0..i will take care of it as my life will not go on..haha...


knpe mseh wujud lagi manusia yg suke dengki terhdap org lain..[aq la mgse nye..sob..sob..]..nme jer kawan tp..perangai tetp x brubh..itu ker name nyer "KAWAN"??? aq percaye kat kaw 100%..mcm ni kaw buat kat aq...baek kaw m*mp*s lagi bgos la..[astagfirullah..]..jgn jdik manusia lagi baik..kaw ckp ngn aq kaw nk pic sebb da lme x jumpe.."da berpe lme kite x jumpe ek??rindu doe nk lepk ngn kaw ngn yg laen..hahaha....kaw cmner r stu due pic kaw..lme x r skrg da famous..amacam??"..ue yg kw sent kt aku..k MMS lah..[slah aq jugk...b*d*h g prcye kt org;tp dye kwn!!] .. then yg kaw pgi...............
.........<battery low>.......



mule dengar cite yg result keluar 28/12/2010..x pe laa..masih boleh tenang..tibe2 chatting on fb with ammar,[ammar punyer agkre smue ni] dye yg kasi tahu..based on berita harian online..punye la tekejot...[tp klu ammar x kasi twu nnty tpinge lakk;thnx ammar]..pker boleh talking2 dgn others..x psal2 nightline pon kluar da!!...aadduuhhhh....da konfem...teros suroh atok beli metro for tomorrow morning[syg atokk;thank you]...took picture then upload la kt fb for the next morning..

punyer la kecohh....huh...regret for done that such thing..[at least mnymbg gk pd yg len]....hurm...hati niyh mkin x tenteram laa...lagi 6 days jer nk amek result...w00o0o..
"Ya Allah ya tuhanku..sesungguhnya kau maha pemurah lagi maha pengasihani..kau berikanlah kejayaan yang cemerlang kepada aku dan sahabat2 PMR yg lain dunia dan akhirat..kau jadikanlah kami anak yg dpt menggembirakan kedua ibu bapa,yang dapat membanggekan para guru dan umat islam yang dpt menjalankan amanah Mu ya Allah..berikanlah dan kurniakanlah keputusan 8A buat kami Ya Allah..
amin ya rabbalallamin"..
haraplah dapat keputusan yg cemerlang n dpt mggmbirekn hti bpak,mak,mama,cik mat,ayah,abg n yg len2 tu...."makbulkanlah doaku Ya Allah"....

Thursday, December 16, 2010


sekrg ni aq tengah mam sambil mem[promp2]kn dunie bru aq nie...haha...thnx a lot to QHAIRUL AQMAL BIN ROSMIN because introducing me about blog nie..hahahaha...[x sumbg pape pon actually]....urm..setiap kali aq tnye kwn2 aku.."what are you doing frens??"..dyeowg msty jwb.."blogging!!.."..huh...smetimes aq berang gkk!! la!!!..after i knew it laa..haha...first of all..the person that knal kn aq psal blog dyer was AILY ELFIQ..haha..[tenkiu aily!!]..interesting la!! bwt final decission utk join blogging niyh!!...huhu...this is my first post for my new world here..

hehe....[x lpekn facebook ok!!]..hehe...cntinue later..smbung mkn!!..daa~