Malaysia and Indonesia
one fraternity
Malaysia and Indonesia
one rivalry
Malaysia and Indonesia glory
Malaysia and Indonesia
one victory
Why should we quarrel
Extrovert our emotions like a chirping squirrel
This generation ought to break the barrel
The spiral; the swirl
Malaysia and Indonesia
One continent
Malaysia and Indonesia
Nor opponent
Malaysia and Indonesia
We salute; we are swith
Malaysia and Indonesia
Retard the feud; let's be kith
Malaysia and Indonesia
one victory
Why should we quarrel
Extrovert our emotions like a chirping squirrel
This generation ought to break the barrel
The spiral; the swirl
Malaysia and Indonesia
One continent
Malaysia and Indonesia
Nor opponent
Malaysia and Indonesia
We salute; we are swith
Malaysia and Indonesia
Retard the feud; let's be kith
hahahaha...actually ats ue poem yg aq PINJAM dr my SBPian fren..FAIZ FAHMI...bhahahaha..[actually dye x tw pon sbnrnye..]..hahahaha...thnx bro !!!...congratez la for HARIMAU MALAYA coz berjaya menumpaskan pasukan INDONESIA last night...cek bgge jdi ank MALAYSIA..[version lan pet pet..] need bomoh2..jampi2 or whatever that not suppose to be done if we need the success to be ours!!....just pray and give a big comitment..[???]..on what we wanna do and insya'Allah Allah SWT always be with need laser2 laa....laser gunung la..[bak kate aktress seksi indon yg tah ape2 je ue..mng x jugkk!!...bbuuwekkk..] we can see right siape yg betol and siape yg salah...i'm not telling that INDONESIA is the faller but x payah la smapai nk buat fitnah2 nie....kan Tuhan da tunjukkan sampai nk buat blog kutok2 malaysia...hisshh3....DENGAN INI CEK SEBAGAI ANAK MUDA MALAYSIA MENEGASKAN KEPADA PEMUDA2 DI LUAR SANA AGAR SENTIASA LAH BERFIKIRAN TERBUKA...[ape kaitan??..]...bhahahahahaha....and n0w!!..[drum roll plis...]..i present u,the winner of this match!!!.....
hahahahaha...big claps!!!!...tahniah3....see..walau ape pon ancaman yg menunggu di luar sane..sedikit pon tidk melemahkan semangat anak2 MALAYSIA ini..[falsafah la plakk!!]..bhahahaha..but...don make this issue as the main point for MALAYSIA cannot be friend with INDONESIA laa...not a big deeal actually..juz sikp sesetengah pihak yg tidk dpt menerime kenytaan..ue jerp...hahaha....tahniah ya pasukan rimau[indon version]..bhahahahaha!!..
P/S:setinggi2 kemaafan ditujukan kepada NAIEM ROSLEE kerna TERcuri pic malaysia ngn suzuki cup tu..bhahahahahaha...[sje jer sbnrnyer..]..big claps for NAIEM ROSLEE guys!!...
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