Hp laptop tu aq dpt on 7th December 2010..[thank you nenek]..tu adalah hadiah dari nenek yg pling aq syg dlm hedop aq..hehe...no anymore wonder~nenek in my life..she took it cash by her own saving money...hurm..thanx a lot nenek..lurve u so much..that broadband from my cute ATOKK!!..haha...kisahnyer mcm nie..aq ckp kt nenek aq.."kalau ad bnde nyh[laptop] tp xde internet nk bwt aper mak"..aq pnggil nenek aq "MAK"..then ATOKK aq dengar...lpas tu dyer ckp.."x pe la..kalau mak da blikn laptop nyer..bapak belikn internetnyer"..hehe..mcm tu la ksih yg terjadi..s0.ckop package!!..it maks me easier to promp this blog..to keep on9 with my friends on FB..[jimat duit x yh g Cc lagi!!]..hehehe..anyway..thank you NENEK and ATOK!!...
the Samsung Omnia2 bought by my lovely mother...i have no idea about it actually..i told my mother that handphone aq [Nokia Supernova] hilg kt hostel[damn mambong!!]..kne la ceramah sikit ngn mak aku..but..bnde da nak hilang..nk wt cmne..[salah aku jugak..charge pgi letak bwah bantal]..huh..then..balik bermalam for end-year holiday..mama aq bagi handphone ni..[on 23rd November]..terkejot berok aq!!..by the way..hilgnyer slide phone jer..tp..dpat yg bru..touch screen dowk!!..hehe..alhamdulillah!!...thank you mama!... s0..i will take care of it as my life will not go on..haha...
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