time is almost done...i means that my holiday..another one week for me to face my school again..and that is also mean..this blog will off for a long timE..wwaarggh...cdeyh meyh..cgt5!..this week is thE most buzyiest week for me...hahahaha..speaking mcokk LONGKANG lorh...ea la...da hmpir sbulan stgh cuti...hehehehe..y0 laa...minggu paling sibuk meyh...kne uruskn brg2 nk blek hostel....i'm a SBPian..s0..hostel member meyh..hehehe..[promote lax]...mcm2 dlm pale otak nie nk bwk blek umah q di saner...hahaha..SAKKTTII!!..wait 4 mee...hehehe..[setiap thon dye tggu kw ngeng!!]..hahaha....starting from last mummy already remind me a lots!!..aarrgghh....mcm2 dye cwoh aq prepare...but..she's will make me easier then..x yh la last minute nk pker ..right??!!...nnty 2 hb just nek krete and JJAALLAANN!!...
s0..what i must do:-
~amek cloths kt dobi <settled>
~sampul buku teks make it sweet..hehe..<settled?>
~buy the school stuff <settled!!>
~read books <NNOO!!>
~kuruskn bdn..hahaha..<forget it>.. the books?? year will be the hard year 4 me to keep studying 4 my SPM...bunyi cm gebang tp we must take it serious!!...rmai owg ckp yg f4 adlah holiday year but it's not for me!!...studying will make it sweet and better in keep our knowledge..right??!!..haha..jgn ckp yg aq x ingt pada pljrn...honestly,hmpir setiap mse aq wsau psal study aq coz aq kurg bce this my mind..<study when school open soon!!>aminn~..hopefully that i will make it real...huh..
thank God brg2 skola aq da settle kn ag ckit2 yg aq lom bli....

~what inside??~
hahaha..see..i've told u...da ciap laa brg ckola q!!...thumbs up la!! nie aq kne focus on my books,cloths, and whatever laa~
hmm...cdeyh laa holiday nk must leave back my LAPTOP,LOVELY OMNIA2..BLOG & FB!!!..aarrgghh....hmm...s0..after i get back to my school,i must return to my hobby..<reading books> that i can cover my sadness and loveness to my stuff..('',) rndu gkk kt kwn2 aq....hmpir sbulan stgh aq menghabiskn cuti keseorgn..[cceewwaahhh...y0 laa]...haha..wndu nk men bola tmpr ngn kwn2..wakakakaka....e2 yg aq pker??!! laa..tkot gax nie..x tw ag meyh mcokk klas pae nk dkt hri nk blek hostel due feeling jewp kt dlm hti aq nie...
1.sedih sebb nk tggalkn umh and those stuff behind ('',)
2.x sbr nye nk jmpe kwn2 and nk pkai brg bru..haha..(^^,)
urm...thats all...fenin lorh!! kne troskn sebb itu la impian aku..hehehe..wanna get good result in any my
acchivement!!..[bet0l ke eja u??!!..haha] year aq da jd seni0r laa..f4 already..msty ag bnyk tggongjawab yg aq kne tggong..[wlaupon student biase..hehe]..tah ape laa yg akn jdik for the next year in my school.....hurm..hopefully that there are many good things waiting for me in the next year's life!!...amin ya rabbal alamin~
tp...kdg2 tkot gax ble pker bnde2 yg akn trjd tp...yg baek tu dr Allah SWT dn yg burokk itu dr kelalaian hmbe-Nya sndri
aq pon nga x sbr2 nk nek skewl actually..hahahaha...pusing2 r aq nie...nGEng!!...bkn sbnrnye x sbr nk kasi prezen kt kwn yg aq da jnji nk kasi kn hdiah ue..kwn ker??'s right....that always make me happier to get back to school..x sbr gk nk mlyn kerenah kwn2 ue..bhahahahahaa..em..
~pen-off dlu laa~
achievement lah!
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